Keeping Student Data Safe with TrustEd Apps Certification

“Are students risking their privacy when they take my class?” As learning technologies transform classrooms, every professor needs to ask this question. Unfortunately, finding the answer hasn’t always been easy.

One of the biggest threats to student privacy is the harvesting and selling of online data. Some online programs bury permissions to sell personal data in their terms and conditions. Others have innocent intentions but lack the proper security measures to safeguard data.
In light of these threats, we’re proud to announce that Marketplace Simulations is now a certified member of the TrustEd Apps program.
This initiative by the 1EdTech Consortium identifies safe learning applications of all kinds. Certified members must meet rigorous standards in data collection, security, third-party data sharing, and advertising.
As a certified member of TrustEd Apps, Marketplace has proven that it meets the highest standards of data privacy. Furthermore, we are committed to updating our standards as new threats arise.
Silent Threats to Data Privacy
A 2022 Ipsos survey found that 84 percent of Americans are concerned about the safety and privacy of their data. Our daily lives are filled with data traps, and students are uniquely vulnerable.
Consider the following example of a data harvesting operation. A professor wants to help students save money and assigns a free learning app to the class. Buried inside the app’s terms of agreement is permission to sell personal data. The professor and students agree without reading the terms. Within a few days, the entire class is exposed.
When it comes to data safety in the classroom, educators are a student’s first line of defense. It’s our responsibility to use available tools to ensure their safety — and the TrustEd Apps database is a great place to start.
Marketplace Simulation’s Commitment to Privacy
TrustEd Apps are graded on a rubric designed by fellow educators. 1EdTech thoroughly analyzed Marketplace’s privacy policy and terms of services agreement for any gaps in safety. They conducted testing to confirm our policies and verify compliance with data transmission security requirements.
This thorough process allows educators to choose Marketplace Simulations with confidence. Annual re-certification will ensure that we remain a safe choice.
As digital learning becomes more crucial in the classroom, tactics to collect and sell private data will develop as well. Marketplace Simulations is proud to be a trusted resource as you protect yourself and your students.