Advanced Strategic Marketing
This simulation exposes participants to all aspects of modern marketing. It allows your students to develop and execute a complete marketing strategy, including brand design, pricing, ad copy design, media placement, distribution, and sales force management. Throughout the exercise, students receive information on customer needs as well as a feedback
on customer satisfaction with brands, prices and advertising. They discover how their actions reflect in both brand profitability and firm profitability. They will learn to prepare sales projections and analyze simple accounting statements. They will study competitive tactics and adjust their marketing strategy to stay ahead of the competition.
The main difference with the Strategic Marketing Simulationlies with more complex market research data, greater number of regions to enter and more options in brand design and advertising. The simulation covers:
- Market opportunity analysis
- Brand development
- Advertising
- Pricing
- Sales force management
- Profitability projections and analysis
A large, international electronics firm has decided to enter the microcomputer business. It has formed a new PC Marketing Division to pursue this business opportunity. Your students have been asked to manage this PC Division. They will have limited financial resources and complete accounting responsibility. They will be introducing a new line of microcomputers into twenty international markets. They have control of the PC Division for the next several periods (quarters). Within this time frame, Headquarters expects to see a self-sufficient and profitable division.
Target Courses
Marketing Strategy, Marketing Management and Capstone Marketing courses.
Time Frame
8 decision rounds, with each round taking 30 minutes to 2 hours per student.
Grading is based on the balanced scorecard that measures profitability, customer satisfaction, market share in the targeted market segments, preparedness for the future and wealth.
Play Options
Your students can compete against their peers.